The experts

Meg Grecchi

Relief Worker

An educator and artist, Meg received her BA in International Development and Women’s Studies at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Soon after, Meg flew to Mali to work as a Project Coordinator for Building with Books, a Connecticut-based organization building schools in underserved communities around the world. In Mali she lived and worked in Beko-Sokoro and Mafele, two rural villages outside the small city of Bougouni, coordinating community participation and overseeing the construction of two three-classroom schoolhouses.

While living in her mud hut, traveling the bumpy country roads on a motorcycle, and learning to dance with the village women, Meg began to fall in love with the beautiful sights, sounds and people of this country. She documented her experiences in photography and film, and used these images in presentations on Malian culture to American High School students upon her return. Inspired by her experience and the beauty of Africa, Meg also began to paint scenes from her travels. Many of these paintings are featured on martagrecchi.com.

Committed to cross-cultural understanding and the transformative power of education, Meg has taught English, Spanish and Italian in the United States, Venezuela and Italy. Meg currently lives in Tucson, Arizona, where she teaches English as a Second Language to recent immigrants.